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If you’re looking for a more direct solution for all your international package delivery enquiries, then take advantage of the new Direct Entry parcel delivery service. Servicing hundreds of regions at competitive prices, Packetport operates from the UK to all over the world – guaranteeing a speedy delivery whatever the item, wherever the location.

Choose from two of our exclusive courier services: Packetport (Europe) and Packetport Express. We accommodate for a wide selection of sizes and weights, and with no volumetric charges on any of our European orders, you can be safe in the knowledge that your consignment will be safely shipped and delivered by our highly experienced couriers.

In addition, we also offer free door step collection as well as a parcel tracking feature – allowing small and medium sized retailers to keep their customers up-to-date with the progress of their delivery. From sending a tracking email to their recipients or allowing them to directly monitor their shipping online, it’s quicker and easier than ever to see what stage your item is in the delivery process.

Get your orders shipped to the world’s major business destinations today, and enjoy fuss-free and cheap parcel delivery courtesy of leading courier Direct Entry – for a service that truly delivers.